throw oneself into his arms的相关图片

throw oneself into his arms

下面围绕“throw oneself into his arms”主题解决网友的困惑

throw oneself into是什么意思

throw oneself into 投身于 双语对照 词典结果:throw oneself into [英][θrəu wʌnˈself ˈɪntuː][美][θro wʌnˈsɛ...


throw in 插话,(免费)附送 throw into 使…陷入某种状态 throw off 摆脱,匆匆脱掉,设法除去 throw oneself into 投身于,积极从事 throw out 扔出,干扰,否...

throw oneself into汉语翻译

In order to walk ,one must take a first step; in order to swim ,one must throw oneself into...

into arms to a passing policeman翻译一下啊

正好被从旁边走过的警察逮住 passing adj.从旁边走过的;流失的;短暂的。

throw oneself to his feet的意思



throw oneself into 投身于;热衷于;积极从事 throw rug 装饰性的随意摆放的小地毯 free throw 罚球 throw in the towel 认输, 承认失败, 放弃努力 throw of the di...

throw oneself on 是什么意思?

throw oneself on 依赖…/猛扑,猛攻…/扑倒在…上 They threw themselves on the enemies.他们向敌人猛扑过去。

翻译throw oneself

1. throw oneself at: v. 向...猛扑过去, 拼命讨好 2.throw oneself on: a. 依靠(听命于,攻击)3.throw oneself into: a. 热心投身于(开始努力干)参考资料:http...

throw oneself into sth

1.让(使)某人陷入(外于)某种境地 2.把某人扔进某种物体


Throw cold water on. 泼冷水 Turn a deaf. 充耳不闻 Throw oneself into sb’s arm. 投入某人的怀抱 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? ...

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